Coconut oil is Amazing – So get yours for FREE

I have personally used coconut ever since I was a child. I grew up in South India with coconut trees in our backyard. Living by the ocean with a humid hot climate , we would drink coconut water for hydration and to replenish our electrolytes. My mom would oil my hair 2 to 3 times […]
Pre and Post Workout Fueling

I had an amazing opportunity presenting to the Green Valley Orangetheory Fitness Center members on what to eat pre and post work out. Orangetheory Fitness uses the science of Heart-Rate Based Treadmill Interval Training, the efficiency of Indoor Rowing for increased power and the proven concept of Weight Training Blocks to create the fitness level. […]
Bring in some Mexican flavor this Cinco De Mayo

It is always great to explore new foods and flavors. This Cinco de Mayo introduce chayote into your diet. Chayote Pronounced [chah-YOH-teh], the chayote is a member of the squash family and is native Mexican plant. Around the world it is known by various names including merliton, christophene and chowchow. It is a member of […]
Health Officials Call for More Fish in Diets of Children and Pregnant Women

For the first time, Federal health officials recommended that women who are pregnant women consume at least 12 ounces or three services of low-mercury seafood like salmon, shrimp, cod, tilapia and light canned tuna. Click Here to read more.
To Age Well, Walk

According to an article published in the Journal of The American Medical Association, studies has reinforced the fact that frequent physical activity is necessary and it helps reduced physical disability as we age. Click Here to read more.
Losing Weight May Require Some Serious Fun

If your goal is to lose weight, then why not treat your exercise routines as playtime. An unconventional new study has suggested that by treating your physical activity as playtime can influence what you eat after your workout and can determine whether you drop some pounds. Click Here to read more
Stephanie’s Weight Loss Story
My wake-up moment was when in August of 2007 when I pretty much fell to my knees in my closet because I literally had nothing to wear. I had outgrown my latest set of “clothes just to get me by until I lost weight.” I did not notice pounds steadily piling on – I think […]