- Kickstart your metabolism and Digestive system: Start your day with a glass of warm water with fresh lemon
- Breakfast
– Have a higher protein breakfast like eggs with some vegetables and fats like avocado- A higher protein and fat breakfast will keep your blood sugars more stable, decrease insulin levels and increase the fat burning hormone glucagon.
– Avoid eating a high carb breakfast: like cereal, bread, and bagel. This will add to the midafternoon crash. - Eat every 4-5 hours
- Avoid snacking frequently to prevent high insulin levels. This will also help reduce cravings.
- Cut back on sugar: Refined sugar increases insulin and adrenal hormone production. It can make pain and inflammation worse. Sugar feeds yeast and other organisms that can replace the beneficial flora in the gut. Not only can cutting back on sugar help avoid inflammation, it will prevent the “sugar rush” and “sugar crash” that cause insulin levels to quickly spike and drop, which can leave you tired and irritable.
- Don’t Zap Fats: Eating a variety of foods high in short-, medium- and long-chain fatty acids is key to keeping your hormones in check. Not only are these essential fats fundamental building blocks for hormone production, but they boost your metabolism and promote weight loss. Coconut oil and coconut milk, for instance, are rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which your body can use as an alternate fuel source instead of glucose. Plus coconut oil has caprylic and lauric acid that are antimicrobial and antifungal.Omega-3 fatty acids in wild-caught fish, flax and chia seeds, and walnuts can also help reduce the inflammation and also boost your brain.. Include healthy fats such as avocado, nuts, seeds, olives, olive oil, avocado oil, Ghee (clarified butter), coconut oil and fatty fish in your diet.
- Add Fermented foods in your diet. They contain organic acids that balance intestinal pH and probiotics to support the gut. Sauerkraut, kimchi and kvass are excellent sources.
- Increase Fiber intake: Fiber helps gets rid of excess estrogen from your body, Helps move you bowel and removes excess fat. Plus fiber keeps you feeling full longer and its food for your good bacteria.
- Lunch and Dinner :Make sure each meal includes
– A palm-sized serving of protein to keep blood sugar balanced and rev up your metabolism.
– 2 big handfuls of vegetables for fiber and antioxidants to support digestion, elimination, and give your liver what it needs to detox.
– Add at least a Tablespoon of healthy fats to balance blood sugar, support your brain, and keep you feeling satisfied.
– Add slow releasing carbs as needed like sweet potatoes, starchy vegetables, spaghetti squash, and brown rice, quinoa and low glycemic fruits like berries on your higher activity days. - Eat slowly and chew your food. Chewing food slowly and into small, liquid pieces, will help your body digest food more easily. By not chewing your food, you’re stressing your digestive system, which can lead to problems such as gas, bloating and the growth of harmful bacteria in the digestive tract.
- Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate: Sometimes we confuse hunger for thirst. Water helps flush all the toxins out, keeps your skin tight, prevents constipation ad hydrates your cells. Drink at least half your body weight in ounces.
- Get your ZZZ’s :. Why? Because hormones work on a schedule! Cortisol, the stress hormone, is regulated at midnight. Therefore, people who go to bed late never truly get a break from the sympathetic flight/fight stress response, which has led to widespread stress-related health disorders in our country. When you are asleep your body recharges your brain, helps repair cells and releases important hormones as well. Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep.
- Eliminate Toxic Kitchen and Body Care Products: Stay away from conventional body care products that are high in DEA, parabens, propylene glycol and sodium lauryl sulfate that can disrupt your hormones.
- Breathe: Even if you can’t remove yourself physically from a stressful situation, you can always practice heart-focused breathing: Take five deep, slow breaths, counting to five on each inhale and five on each exhale. Imagine you are actually breathing from your heart. This immediately disrupts the body’s stress response, calms you down and helps you refocus.
- Interval Exercise: One of the best all-around activities you can do for your health is burst training .Whether endorphins, testosterone, growth hormone or insulin, burst training helps reduce stress levels, enhance your immune system, regulate metabolic function and keep you at the body weight your body was designed for.